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Where Would You Fly to If You Were Superman for A Day?

Without any need to wait in endless queues applying for Visas to exotic lands or sit on a plane for hours, having spent a fortune to sit cramped among the snorer and the crying baby, the options are endless. Just look at where Superman manages to fly in just four of his epic adventures caught on film.


We reached out to friend, family, foe and colleagues alike to get their take on this question with an infinite amount of universe-wide answers.

We Would Travel to…Space


If people were Superman they would scour the galaxy, however, with this seemingly obvious answer, we got an array of intriguing responses as to why. Some people wanted to travel to space, well because it's space and although we're getting closer and closer to commuter space travel, it's still currently out of our reach.

Commuter Space Travel might be plausible in the near future, however, travelling to each of the planets definitely is not. Some of us, if we were Superman for the day, would do the Galaxy version of island hopping and find out if there really is life on Mars and beyond.

For the more philosophical amongst you, there was the reason of travelling to space to simply gaze upon Earth and consider the magnitude of the world. The question is whether this newfound perspective would remain positive or dissolve into frustration and dissatisfaction upon returning to human form.

We Would Travel to…Unchartered Territories


Not everyone wanted to leave Planet Earth and for very good reasons. No longer are the exotic, intriguing out of reach places limited to David Attenborough and his team, you can go there too.

The Galapagos Islands were top of the list, illustrating that our human-like curiosity isn't totally supressed upon the receipt of Superman's powers. While not only is it expensive to travel the world, some of these islands are simply unreachable, unless you're willing to risk a lot. These islands are remote, untouched and unspoiled. It's an opportunity to see how life goes on without the presence of humans.

Other unexplored destinations include the jungles of Papua New Guinea. You could challenge Attenborough's title for King of Exploration and Discovery, with one visit to these jungles. Scientists are convinced there are a huge number of undiscovered species of plants and animals hidden in amongst the plains and jungles of this unchartered territory. No need to worry about disease, meat-hungry animals or even bloodthirsty cannibals, because you're Superman. Although, we're not sure whether there is an undisclosed mass of Kryptonite hidden amongst the vines, so just watch your back.

We Would Travel to…Help Those in Need

polar bear.jpg

What a pleasant surprise it was to discover there were those who wanted to use their abilities to fly around the world to do good. This help wasn't given to just the people of the planet, but also the animals being affected owing to the presence of humans.

People wanted to use their flying abilities to travel to the Artic, with new food sources in tow to feed starving polar bears and rescue polar bears at risk of drowning owing to Global Warming. Having experienced being both human and Superman, they felt they had a responsibility to contribute to the clean-up required because of human destruction.

Alternatively, many of you wanted to do something to find a way of bringing fresh food, animals to farm and important equipment to those without access. They wanted to finally bring the upper hand, or at least the level playing field, to those in need.

We Would Travel to…Conquer Our Fears


Interestingly people wanted to use their ability to travel as Superman to conquer their fears. Some would fly to the top of the Eiffel Tower to face their fear of heights, with their Superman abilities to give them that a major safety blanket (not sure if this counts then?). Others wanted to fly to the top of Mount Everest, something they'd always wanted to do but were too afraid of all of the risks involved, including the severe cold and other temperamental weather conditions.

Where We Travel If We Were Superman Says…

From this experimental survey of our peers, we can see that most of us have big dreams and desires when it comes to travel. Standing in our way are limitations related to technology, infrastructure, fear and finance. If you've gotten carried away thinking about the incredible destinations you want to visit, then perhaps it's time to devise a savings plan for your travels? Perhaps skip that after work drink and put it towards travelling the world instead.


Images courtesey of  Gareth SimpsonPaul Krawczuk, flickrfavorites and Göran Höglund (Kartläsarn).


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This article was posted on: 08/05/2017